Some Code and Reflections

How the player's attack functions:

The first shot hits and kills the rolly.  The second is a dud, since the player at that time doesn't have a target set.  (The vaguely translucent particle spray in the middle marks the end of the attack cooldown.)

The attackProjectile script's only role is to move towards the specified attackTarget, at which point it deals damage, removes itself from activity, and adds itself back to the player's list of unused attacks.

On a different note: with the exception of the audio, I made every asset used in the game. Scripts, animations, the truly gorgeous hovercraft enemies, etc., etc. This was also the first project I ever made in Unity that was not bad and buggy and unfun. (It is a little bit buggy, but only a little. Hopefully it is not bad and not unfun.) It showed me what I was capable of under my own power and how far I'd progressed from when I first started in Unity, and overall was a good learning experience. It's still a bit strange to think that, just a few months ago when I made this project, I still thought raycasts were the devil's art.

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